Five More Internet Shortfilms, Part 3

Continuing to catch up on the vast number of modern short films I’ve missed over the last couple years. As promised, breaking out of my heavy focus and love of science fiction into some other genres.

In Mr. Biscuits by Tom Levinge, we explore “dog people” when a friend volunteers to house sit and gets roped into pet sitting as well. I really can’t tell you more. 🙂

Wash Club is Simon Dymond’s 2016 short film drama that follows a journalism student who stumbles into a dare/thrill club. What seems a simple meme-like campus challenge figuratively (and literally) spirals out of control.

LaZercism is Shaka King’s 2017 mocu-mercial about a radical treatment for “Racial Glaucoma”.

In A Teachable Moment (2016), Jason Jeffrey’s presents us with a bizarre and dark life lesson administered to a young child by his mother as a fatally shot man expires on the roadside.

Uruguayan director Guillermo Carbonell presents his short thriller about family, crime, horror and mystery.

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