Product Review: Blue Alley
Blue Alley lies hidden in the heart of Waterdeep. Built by a secretive wizard, it is a magic maze full of tricks, traps, strange monsters, and rich treasure. Countless adventurers have ventured inside to...
A cozy, caffeinated corner of the web
Blue Alley lies hidden in the heart of Waterdeep. Built by a secretive wizard, it is a magic maze full of tricks, traps, strange monsters, and rich treasure. Countless adventurers have ventured inside to...
Some of the faithful still cling to the old legends—that the Spire is a holy relic from a bygone age, the prison of a saint lost in dislocated time. Most, however, have forsaken such...
ChatPDF is an AI-powered chat bot generator that allows you to ask questions and get answers from any PDF file you provide. While the free version can only handle PDFs for limited size and...
After a long break with fitness trackers after the Great FitBit Debacle, I decided to take wearables for a spin again. I just couldn’t bring myself to all in and justify a “smart” watch....
During the pandemic lots of us moved our tabletop roleplaying games to online settings out of necessity. Although things have somewhat returned to normal, the experience opened a lot of doors and has become...