Today’s Incredibly Dull but Efficient To Do List
by Geoffrey Fortier ·
- Clean Kitchen 9:00am
- Clean Bathroom 9:00am
- Clean remainder of home 9:00am
- Exercise 9:00am
- Shave, shower and dress 9:00am
- Breakfast 9:00am
- Sort and drop off recycling, take out trash 11:00am
- Grocery shopping 11:00am
- Birthday gift shopping 11:00am
- Department store shopping 11:00am
- Feed the beast (gas for car) 11:00am
- Trip to storage unit for possession pruning 11:00am
- Lunch 2:00pm
- Check mail 2:00pm
- Wash, fold, iron laundry (2-3) loads 2:00pm
- Water, weed and mind plants 2:00pm
- Restock booze (trip to the Casa de Alcohol) 2:00pm
- Another Shower & Power Nap 3:00pm
- Freelance client programming 4:30pm
- Organize new music (Ripping, ID tags, lyrics, cover art, etc) 6:00pm
- Work on World Without Us and To Kill a Mockingbird, till whenever
- Dinner with Guest (Stood up… movies, music and wine instead), till whenever
Tags: Clean BathroomClean KitchenFreelanceID
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Wow, lots on your to-do list. Mind you, the cleaning part sounds like much work until one realizes you have a studio.
Yeah, one of the many benefits of realizing that every single American doesn’t need +1200sq feet.