Container Store & Plastic Bags
It probably comes as no surprise to my friends that I love The Container Store. The fact that my local Container Store is situated within yards of a Caribou Coffee results in a blackhole-like nexus that I can rarely escape. I had a point other than OCD…
Oh right, plastic bags. Its hard to walk down Peachtree Street in Atlanta (pick one) and not notice the plastic bags blooming in the trees even during winter. I’ve been meaning to pick up some reusable cloth shopping bags, but I keep running into ones that either have goofy illustrations or store-specific advertising* on them. I spotted these in the Container Store check out line and love them. They zip down into a snug sleeve and have a clip on them for stowing them in the car, messenger bag, pet, child or whatever. They seem reasonably strong and I’ve loaded one with about 30lbs of groceries with no problems so far.
The Container Store web site also has a more fashionable and larger version (not quite my speed, thanks), but my local brick and mortar apparently doesn’t have them.
* If you want me to be your billboard, pay me or subsidize the cost of your bag, t-shirt, hat, operating system or whatnot.
They have organic bags of many types here:
Too bad I already have some.
Oh, I’ve seen those. The mesh bags are neat, but they make me feel… exposed.
I miss the Container Store horribly. They don’t even have them in NC.
No IKEA, no Container Store… I have the sudden urge to send you a care package of Swedish Meat Balls and Cedar Sachets.
We also don’t have a Hobby Lobby or a specialty fabric store (other than quilting crap). I’m in the middle of the wilderness up here.
Can I safely assume that you are making this post by ham radio and steam powered generator?
I really like the bags, I saw something similar at Borders the other day, but they were more expensive and a bit too feminine for my tastes, these look much better. Looks like just the thing to take to Aldi with me.