Wii Fit… the “game” I really want
Ok, I know the Wii isn’t the pixel munching ubermensch of the gaming console world, but it is so damn cute and charming. even more so with the upcoming Wii Fit “game”. Video and additional information after the cut:
(Nintendo.com) The active-play phenomenon started by Wii Sports now spreads to your whole body thanks to the pressure-sensitive Wii Balance Board (name not final), which comes packed with Wii Fit. The board is used for an extensive array of fun and dynamic activities, including aerobics, yoga, muscle stretches and games. Many of these activities focus towards providing a “core” workout, a popular exercise method that emphasizes slower, controlled motions. Family members will have fun staying active and talking about and comparing their results and progress on a new channel on the Wii Menu.
[flv:https://www.arcane.org/media/wii_fit.flv 480 368]
This really solidifies my want of a Wii now…
Yoga Hero!
Tantric Kombat!
This is what I’ve been waiting for for our Wii!
Early rumors are placing the Wii Fit and board at $69.99. There may also be a price break on the Wii itself later this year.
The price break on the Wii would be very helpful to my budget
I have to admit for parties that thing is the best thing ever. It really lets everyone play and feel like they don’t have to learn 18 button combos to casually just play
Now, to pair the Wii up with a wall-sized television. Nothing quite like gaming in 1 to 1 scale.