Power Tips For Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is one of my favorite professional social networks. For me it clears away so much of the clutter and noise you get at Facebook or Twitter (even when specifically attempting to use them...
LinkedIn is one of my favorite professional social networks. For me it clears away so much of the clutter and noise you get at Facebook or Twitter (even when specifically attempting to use them...
For the most part, I love LinkedIn. I’ve frequently referred to them as “Facebook for grown-ups” and they’ve been invaluable in creating, monitoring and nurturing professional relationships with clients, employers and peers. However, I...
One continual theme that drives me nuts every time I see “eco” homes is the “eco boutique”, prohibitively expense homes that seem to be more about resume building for design and construction firms that anything that...
Let’s just assume for a minute that events beyond your control may have come to pass and your site may have been used to transmit spam emails. In the aftermath, you’re curious and concerned...
TinEye has been a useful tool for some time now: Finding image collection a single image belong to. Tracking down articles that go with orphaned images. And, of course, finding the original source of...