Tagged: Javascript


Data Visualization with Chart.js & HTML5 Canvas

They say information is power, but to transform information into work, you need to make it compelling and accessible.  Sure, you can kludge something together out in Office or beg your graphic design to...


Rainy Window Effect Using Javascript, CSS & HTML

An even more basic animation effect using Javascript to generate raindrop spans and then animate them to slowly drip and fade down the “window”. The effect become even better after enough random drops have...


JS & CSS Keyframe Fade-In Text Effect

A few simple code snippets to create a list that fades in, one item at a time, using Javascript, CSS and the @keyframes rule. What’s Going On Here? A simple “for” loop in Javascript...


Best Practices JavaScript Coding

One of the strengths and unfortunate weaknesses of JavaScript is its easy, almost casual structure and rules when compared to some more formally structured languages.  This makes it very welcoming to newcomers to programming...