Tagged: book

Twitter Digest: 2009-03-08 1

Twitter Digest: 2009-03-08

Woo hoo. Free Watchman matinee and very cool Majestic Bay theater. # Watchmen so-so. Don’t see the fuss. Nice effects, but the scenes and story progression disjointed. Book better. Odd soundtrack. # OS X...


50 Classics: Madame Bovary

If I was looking for a pick-me-up after the likes of The Sound and The Fury and Crime and Punishment, Madame Bovary was not it. The novel is definitive Realism, polishing no edges and...

50 Classics: The Sound and The Fury 0

50 Classics: The Sound and The Fury

While I acknowledge that Faulkner successfully experimented with a very unusual technique in creating this book, I do not think the novel is all that compelling as a work in itself. So little in...

50 Classics: Watership Down 0

50 Classics: Watership Down

Although work had all but eaten my brain yesterday, I did manage to eventually unwind enough to sit down and finish Watership Down from my slowly shrinking list of 50 Classics. I’d seen the...