More Snow Day/Week Pictures from Seattle

People seem to be taking the snowpocalypse in stride still.  No one has screamed “Tis the outsiders fell magicks!” and chased me with pitchforks and torches, so all in all, not bad.

The other day, folks broke out the cross-country skis and could be found on various “bike” trails and streets using them.  I, myself, walked down to the Purple Cow Cafe alongside Shilshole Bay.

A few pictures and a video clip follow.

Snow on the trees

Sundown near Shilshole Bay

Lighthouse for Rent

Igloo builders across the street from the Purple Cow Cafe. Yes, those guys are from the office across the street.

[flv: 480 360]

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1 Response

  1. Raven Owen says:

    It would stay warmer inside without so much “head room”.. but it is cool to see someone building them. The “real” ones are super duper tiny!

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