Miscellaneous Updates & Status

As a last minute outing, I took Speaks and his progeny on a short day hike yesterday, and despite certain naysayers, the weather was absolutely beautiful and the site was gorgeous. We went to the monadnocks just outside of Atlanta, known as Arabia and Panola Mountains. Although the former still suffers from some litter & maintenance problems, you can tell that whoever is now managing the site has worked hard to improve the park. I may post some pictures from the trip in the Image Gallery once Speaks and Twelveoaks give them the stamp of approval (K & E love the camera and appear in most shots).

Yesterday evening, Syn74x and Nukieuk were kind enough to have myself, Speaks and Cyberduck over for dinner. A wonderful meal was followed by dessert & drinks and a long but enjoyable discussion of game theory, concept ideas and King’s Gate. We even managed to work in some Alpacas. 😉

No doubt inspired by Pipistrella’s “Puppy Mantra”, I’ve added two more books to my Now Reading list (look to the right) and both are dog-o-centric. The first is The Call of the Wild (a reread) off my terribly overlooked 50 Classics list. The other, City by Clifford D. Simak, is an older novel that came to my attention via NPR some time ago, has been sitting in my read pile for several weeks since I received it for Christmas.

Finally, I’m eagerly awaiting the release of WordPress 2.1 because I’m getting the growing urge to do a resign of www.arcane.org. Not just appearance, but probably site and domain architecture as well, but that’s all still in the mental peculation phase right now.

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7 Responses

  1. syn74x says:

    It was an enjoyable evening, and we’ll definitely have to repeat it at some point. 🙂

  2. Paul Shuford says:

    WordPress is good software, I know a bunch of folks who run their blogs and personal sites off it, and it seems to work well.

  3. Tara M. says:

    I want to see pictures!

    Also, what is the puppy mantra?

  4. Mystech says:

    Absolutely! As long as you and Nukieuk can put up with us, we’ll keep coming! 🙂

  5. Mystech says:

    No complaints with WordPress here, Paul. Robust community, strong development, ease of customization and lightweight. A nice compromise between phpNuke or old and Drupal of new.

  6. Mystech says:

    No problem, Tara. I’ll send you a link to a temporary directory to review them (tonight or early tomorrow) and you can let me know if you’d like any of them NOT added to my Image Gallery.

  7. Mystech says:

    Oh, and you’ll have to ask Pip about the puppy mantra. 🙂

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