I’m Back
I’m safely back from the aforementioned hike. A bit tired so, I’m going to clean up my gear and get some rest before sharing all the sweaty details. Hope you are all had a...
Well, folks are gearing up for King’s Gate and the Fourth of July but I’m not particularly in the mood for cook-outs and pyrotechnics. I’ve decided instead to go hiking for the weekend. The...
(Public Broadcasting Atlanta) Imagine yourself a sorcerer with the ability to freeze a green-skinned adversary in his tracks. Or an axe-wielding dwarf with an axe to grind against the wicked goblin who plundered your...
MMS CAM for Series60 was created to allow a user to send a command to their camera phone which would then take and transmits a picture. Oh, the practical as well as michievious possibilities.
Yawn, stretch, sore, stiff. I’m not entirely sure how I managed such a busy weekend but, on the whole, I think is a welcome change from the all too regular retinue of gaming (computer...