Tagged: MySpace

Actual Coffeeshop Conversation… 0

Actual Coffeeshop Conversation…

Patron #1: So, you hear that Wikipedia is considering making all edits require approval from their staff. Me: *begins rudely eavesdropping* Patron #2: That’s just stupid. The system is self-correcting. Patron #1:  Well, occasional...


MySpace Kills Internet Tube Song

(Wired) After hearing Sen. Ted Stevens’ now infamous description of the internet as a “series of tubes,” Andrew Raff sang the senator’s words over a folksy ditty and anonymously posted it to MySpace, where...

Committing MySpacecide 0

Committing MySpacecide

(Wired) Briefly, on November 13th, 2005, I was a friend of Tom. I’m talking, of course, about Tom Anderson — male, 30-years old, based in Santa Monica, California, and founder of MySpace. The man...