Tagged: Hiking


Vargo Titanium Wood Stove

Anyone that has seen my gear list know that I’m a pretty satisfied user of ultralight canister stoves. The combination of cleanliness, control and convenience usually meets my needs 9 times out of 10...

Weekend Hike: Appalachian 0

Weekend Hike: Appalachian

I’m of the opinion that hiking is one part preparation, one part navigation, one part improvisation and one part perspiration. This weekend’s hike reinforced that opinion. I’d originally planned a three day, 40 mile...

Sweetwater State Park 0

Sweetwater State Park

Last Sunday I decided to go on a dayhike to nearby Sweetwater State Park. After mentioning it to my sister, we decided that my mother might enjoy it as well so I invited her...

Providence Canyon State Park 0

Providence Canyon State Park

Well I’m home safe and as sound as I normally come with a great many photographs, a sense of peace and a slightly stiff right calf muscle. I’d first like to apologize for not...