Tagged: DVD


Family Film Archaelogy

So I find myself in possession of three small reels of 8mm film. You know, “photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion.” Don’t stare are me like that...

Alien Sex! Bombs! Robots! Pathos! 0

Alien Sex! Bombs! Robots! Pathos!

Mystech: I weep for the future. (Wired) LOS ANGELES — Creators of the Sci Fi Channel’s forthcoming Battlestar Galactica miniseries promised that their “re-imagining” of the 1970s classic would be darker and grittier. In...

The Peerless Stereoscope 0

The Peerless Stereoscope

A friend and I went antiquing yesterday and I came across a stereoscope and a basket full of slides from the 1880s. A stereoscope was the home DVD player of its day. Essentially it...