Tagged: Design


Stupid CSS Tricks, Part 2

CSS often has a lot of features and techniques who usage and value aren’t always immediately obvious. Sometimes your just meander around come up with an effect without really having a use for it,...


Stupid CSS Tricks, Part 1

CSS often has a lot of features and techniques who usage and value aren’t always immediately obvious. Sometimes your just meander around come up with an effect without really having a use for it,...

Cafe Arcane House Keeping 0

Cafe Arcane House Keeping

I’m in the process of developing a new WordPress theme. My last theme is a few years old and doesn’t take advantage of the newest developments in WordPress so the transition will probably break...


The Three Pillars of HTML5

#1 Reduce Necessity of Proprietary Presentation Technologies Anyone who has run into outdated, incompatible or buggy plug-ins trying to play audio or video on the web can see the desirability of this functionality.  The...