Tagged: Atlanta


Review of 2016 MABA Beekeeping Short Course

Last Christmas, my rocks were thoroughly rocked by the gift of a full hive kit and assorted tools from my sister, Jennifer. I had always planned to get into beekeeping, but it was always...

New Commute Thoughts 2

New Commute Thoughts

I decided to make a dry run of my new commute this morning. I am a huge advocate of public transportation and while I realize it is not practical for everyone, I do think...

Atlanta, Valley of the Wind 0

Atlanta, Valley of the Wind

*hack, hack, cough, cough*  So much pollen.  Spores from the toxic jungle are flooding the skies of Atlanta, today.  I’m pretty sure that through the yellow haze I saw an Ohmu plowing down Peachtree....

Farewell Incandescents 6

Farewell Incandescents

After much to do and delays, I’ve finally replaced the last of the incandescent fixtures in my studio apartment. Tracking down matching CFL bathroom vanity bulbs proved to be the only challenging part. I...