Cafe Arcane Blog


Five Books From A Fantasy Library, Part 1

Libraries are one of those staples of a certain type of fantasy and horror fiction writing. Hidden away in the musty tomes and scrolls some vital, but forgotten piece of lore waits to be...


Improving Lifelong Bad Handwriting

People joke that the more educated you are, the worse your handwriting becomes; doctors supposedly being the pinnacle of poor handwriting. Well, I don’t have PHD/MD but I certainly have the terribly handwriting of...


Ormewood Honey Harvest 2018

Well, it has been an unexpectedly long season. I like doing my harvest all at once because of the amount of repeated work (and subsequent clean up). This year the ladies just kept making...


JS & CSS Keyframe Fade-In Text Effect

A few simple code snippets to create a list that fades in, one item at a time, using Javascript, CSS and the @keyframes rule. What’s Going On Here? A simple “for” loop in Javascript...