Years ago there was a site packed with all sorts of wonderful archaic words. It was both a pleasure to explore and inspiration to reference. Sadly, the domain seems to have expired and is now squatted by a California Hotels page. I’ve reproduced what I can of the site’s old content here and hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
“Welcome to Luciferous Logolepsy, a collection of over 9,000 obscure English words. Though the definition of an English word might seem to be straightforward, it is not. There exist so many adopted, derivative, archaic or abandoned words in what we loosely define as the English Language, that a clear-cut definition seems impossible.
For the purposes of this project though, words are included that may stretch any basic definitions. Particular attention has been paid to archaic words, as they tend to be more evocative – as if their very age lends additional meaning or overtones.”