Category: Gaming


D&D Mold Earth Cantrip, Story Maker or Breaker?

I’d like to talk about the Mold Earth cantrip from 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons. Along with its other elemental cousin cantrips, Mold Earth is something of an odd-ball.  This comes down to a...


Katabasi, A Magic Tradition for LARP Gaming

Sorry for the long absence from the blog, but I’m returning with inspiration that came to me during a slow, end-of-day chat session. Another magical tradition for a live action roleplaying setting/game (LARP)… The...


More Books From A Fantasy Library, Part 5

Libraries are one of those staples of a certain type of fantasy and horror fiction writing. Hidden away in the musty tomes and scrolls some vital, but forgotten piece of lore waits to be...


Tabletop Game Tools & Applications, Part 1

We live in a golden age of online tools for tabletop gaming. Let’s face it, a game runner’s job is hard enough and a little help mortaring together even the best designed setting can...