Twitter Digest: 2009-05-01

  • Last episode of Heroes… Is it me, or did “the party forget a magic item” they had? #
  • Heroes and The Office… you’re both on notice. #

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2 Responses

  1. Glen says:

    which magic item? I forgot they had it too.


  2. Mystech says:


    Ok, Nathan is dead… did everyone forget that Claire’s magic blood can bring someone back to life. Back in “Cautionary Tale” Noah is shot in the head and dies. Some time later (body has already gone pale and no longer exhibits rigor mortis), he is given a transfusion of blood that was taken from Claire which brings him back to life.

    So with Claire literally in the building and Nathan dead minutes, maybe an hour… why levae him to rot and pursue the INSANELY dangerous and obvious failure-prone Sylar swap?

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