Twitter Digest: 2008-12-31
- Testing Android G1 Twitter app #
- Another test of Android Twitter apps. Promise something more interesting soon. #
- Updated Cafe Arcane with pictures and video from Discovery Park #
- Finally got Linkedin’s WordPress syndication thing going. “www” in a URL causes it to crash. Peculiar. Wish it would pick up older posts. #
- Having Twidroid (G1) and SMS both on is redundant. Turning off SMS for all. Not ignoring folks. Honest!
- Back from an afternoon walk, learning the neighborhood. Found end/start of Burke-Gilman city trail; added to my Google map. #
- Oh praise Ganeesh for batch conversion jobs I can leave running overnight unattended. #
- Ugh, couldn’t even finish watching Burn After Reading. What drek. #
- More curiousity about Twitter / WordPress integration. Don’t you love OCD? #
- Ok, have Twitter & WordPress talking. Now can I get WP to generate a daily digests of Tweets instead of post flood. #